This point in the process is where the real fun begins. It’s about casting off the shackles of ‘the way we always do things’ and just going for it. No idea is wrong at this stage. It’s about quantity over quality. We can sort the wheat from the chaff later.
Get everything out there, up on the wall and in everyone’s face. Often it’s that wild idea that we think is too silly to share that gives the team that Eureka moment! Dream big… Collaborate… Try things out… Fail fast, fail often.
This is design. And it’s awesome!
It’s really important to create a space where the team are relaxed and comfortable with being creative. There are tools and techniques to aid creativity but the most important aspect of this type of work is creating that positive and safe environment where people are empowered to create.
Teamwork makes the dream work!
The “How might we…” technique helps you move from problems and challenges to opportunities. Using the HMW format turns the problem into a positive opportunity for a solution. It doesn’t suggest the answer but rather highlights the potential for one and creates the perfect space for your ideas to flourish.
There are loads of tools and techniques out there… here are a few we have used recently:
During research we put people at the heart of everything we do. That doesn’t stop now – if anything it’s even more important. You don’t need to work with the stakeholders to design an effective solution but co-designing a solution with its intended users will result in creating something that will be not just be used but loved by them. And the result will be more loyal and engaged customers.
The brilliant aspect of design thinking is the number of innovative ideas that can be generated. The key to turning this into a productive and useful output is prioritising these ideas. We can find quick wins, strategically important projects and just as importantly, we can quickly see where some projects might be more effort than they are actually worth.
At this point in the process we are trying to evolve from ideas to working solutions. It is a phased and iterative approach.
Initial prototypes can be as simple as a system scribbled on a wall to a product made out of paper and sticky tape. Often we can quickly see where we can develop the idea further or, just as useful, quickly see that we should scrap the idea and think again.
Prototyping is really focussed in three areas: does it work?; can people use it?; and, is it nice to use? We can have different tests for different aspects as well as different tests for different user types. Having a clear understanding of what you are testing and with whom is key to gaining real insight at this stage. Don’t try and test everything with everybody… you’ll just cloud things for everyone and not learn very much in the process.
There are many methods of prototyping out there - a simple Google search will bring back millions of options… the key is picking the best fit for the job at hand. It’s also important to use a method you are comfortable with. We have highlighted a few of our favourites below:
- Storyboarding
- Rough and Ready
- Think Aloud
- Service Blueprint
Case study in here on generating ideas - Pollok Park workshop.
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Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo.
Most people understand pictures and visuals - look around you - key messages are communicated visually… traffic lights, warning signs and so on.
When using design to solve problems we want as many people as possible to contribute. To do this, they need to understand your research, ideas, learning… Get as much as you can on the walls, encourage people to interact and add to the “living research wall” and make as many of your sessions interactive and as visual as possible. You will be surprised how often a connection is made, an idea hatched or a solution found when working in this way.