Your Citizen Voice Phase 1 Results

Over 700 ideas were submitted in Phase 1 of the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund in Calton and Greater Pollok!

We're making decisions on how the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund is spent based on the opinions of as many local people as possible!

Over a three-week period between June and July, the Centre for Civic Innovation hosted workshops, attended events and created materials for the residents of Calton and Greater Pollok to have their say on the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund.

Glasgow’s Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund has made £1 million pounds available for infrastructure improvements - The ideas, based around eight key themes – including improving open spaces, road safety, street lighting, street furniture, pavements, traffic signals, road conditions and drainage systems – will be agreed by the area partnership before being costed out by officers in the council’s Neighbourhood and Regeneration Services (NRS).

You submitted new ideas and shared what the priorities are for your area. These are being reviewed and costed before you can vote on the final ideas you'd like to see in your area.

Thank you for submitting your ideas for the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund. As we move closer to the next phase, let's take a closer look at what you told us!

Pastel illustration of 4 people holding the number 639. 639 people took part in the idea phase of the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund!

In Greater Pollok there were...


Three most common ideas were about ...

Illustration of a ball in mid flight


Improving or creating community facilties, centres, sport and leisure facilities.

Illustration of someone using a mobility cane on a park path


Making the crossings and pavements safer and accessible for all

Illustration of a lorry and a traffic cone


Were about improving the conditions of roads e.g potholes, parking facilities and manage overgrown areas


of the ideas fit the criteria and will be in the next stage!

In Calton there were...


Three most common ideas were about ...

Illustration of a ball in mid flight


Improving or creating community facilties, centres, sport and leisure facilities.

Illustration of someone using a mobility cane on a park path


Making the crossings and pavements safer and accessible for all

Illustration of two people planting a garden


Improving or creating community gardens, green spaces and maintenance


of the ideas fit the criteria and will be in the next stage!

Ideas that didn't fit the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund such as: ideas for maintenance, ideas that are outside the council boundaries, or ideas in different Wards are being shared with the relevant council services to see if we can progress them.

A word from Councillor Anne McTaggart...

What's next?

Vote on the ideas you would like to see in your area!

June–July: Share priorities and submit new ideas

Voting will begin in September.

Keep your eyes peeled for more information on our social media!