Frequently asked questions

Q: Can it be a partnership application

A: Absolutely, we encourage partnerships and collaboration

Q: How is the funding distributed

A: The two successful organisations will receive £25k to deliver the project and we see the breakdown of funds as:

  • Up to £5k for staff time and associated core costs
  • Up to £5k for prototyping of ideas
  • Remainder for scaling the idea

The funding can include staff time and associated core costs to deliver work. We are however open to different suggestions, and you should feel free to make those in your application.

Q: How will the two partner organisations be decided?

A: CCI will assess applications with a selection panel including climate and community action experts. The selection process will consider the strength of each category within the application.

Q: Is this a participatory budgeting model?

A: We're open to different models and approaches to using the funds, so it could be a participatory budgeting model, but it doesn't have to be.