Your Citizen Voice

A model for participation in local neighbourhoods in Glasgow

We're making decisions on how the council's Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund is spent in your area.

We asked you: 'How should we spend £1 million in Govan?'

You submitted new ideas and shared what the priorities are for your area.

People and families in front of the greater-pollok Ballroom having ideas

Your Citizen Voice Timeline

A timeline showing seven stages and the one we're currently in: stage five, people vote on ideas they want to go ahead

The story so far...

3 people holding their hands up in the air


People took part
Illustrated bunting


Local event / pop-up engagements took place
A hand holding a % sign


of ideas came from people who are disabled or live with someone who has a disability


were aged between 35–44


Local venues had voting stations

We asked you what your priorties are, you told us...

Each option shows the percentage of people who ticked themes as priorities to improve in their area.

A graphic showing the distribution of ideas in Govan: 46% for improving open spaces, 43% for improving the condition of roads, 35% for improving pavements, 18% for improving drainage systems, 23% for improving street lighting, 18% for improving street furniture and 19% for improving road safety

Thank you for submitting your ideas for the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Improvement Fund. As we move closer to the next phase, let's take a closer look at what you told us!

In Govan there were...


The three most common ideas were about ...

Illustration of two people planting a garden

Improving the parks and green spaces including making better use of vacant and derelict spaces so people enjoy them as well as making the streets greener

Upgrading or creating new spaces to play, socialise exercise and relax, especially in Elder Park and in Cessnock, Ibrox and Kinning Park

Repairing the roads in every neighbourhood to make them safer for everyone

People and families in front of the Govan